Sitemap - 2023 - Two Plus Two

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 12: Cure the mind virus

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 11: Anti-women, anti-men, anti-children, anti-human

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 10: Courage, Temperance, Justice, and Wisdom

How the excesses of #MeToo have destroyed the presumption of innocence

Schuldig ohne Anklage: Wie #MeToo der Unschuldsvermutung den Todesstoß versetzt hat

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 9: The continuous erosion of common sense

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 8: Making waves

Wer Kinder schützt, ist rechtsextrem

Child safeguarding is now an alt-right thing

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 7: Of truth and virtue

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 6: Collapsing societies, censorship and corruption

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 5: Pride (Month) and Prejudice

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 4: Teaching, Therapy, Trans and Teens

Wie Geschlechtsdysphorie salonfähig gemacht wird

The Transableism of Transgenderism

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 3: First Do No Harm

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 2: We need to talk about trans

The Mimicry of Women

Von Männern, die Frauen nachahmen

📘 2+2=4 Vol. 1: Hard lessons and uncomfortable truths

Democracy is dead. Long live democracy!

Die Demokratie ist tot. Lang lebe die Demokratie!

Leave Them Kids Alone

Leave Them Kids Alone

“People with a vulva” or how the word “woman” is being erased from discourse

„Menschen mit Vulva“ oder: Wie das Wort „Frau“ aus dem Diskurs entfernt wird

Willful Ignorance and Luxury Beliefs: The Immigration Debate

Der Luxus der vorsätzlichen Ignoranz: Die Migrationsdebatte

Why are so many children declaring war on their own bodies?

Warum erklären immer mehr Kinder ihrem Körper den Krieg?