Another excellent article. You write with tremendous passion and insight on this subject.

There are many things that you said that I want to comment on, but only in agreement, not disagreement. I continue to be astonished by the nerve of the tiny trans community to try to redefine what gender is for the whole human race. And I continue to be angry at gullible non-trans people for going along with it.

You'll notice that men aren't being erased, only women. Trans people have no problem using the word "man".

I'm in my seventies, and I am gay. I used to think that gay people were at the bottom of the social totem pole, but I eventually realized that it is women who occupy that position -- and for no other reason than that they are physically weaker than men (ultimately, women's second-class status comes down to that). Because they constitute more than half the human population, no one describes them as a "minority group", but they are certainly oppressed. Look at all the things that are happening to women in the world, or HAVE happened:

* They have rarely held any kind of power in this world.

* During the middle ages (and after) they were hunted and murdered as witches.

* Today and in the past, they are and have been frequent victims of rape.

* Today and in the past, they are and have been the primary victims of honor killings.

* Serial killers almost always target women.

* FGM is a horrendous mutilation of women (although male circumcision isn't much better).

That's only a short list, the only ones that come to mind at this point.

Anyway, keep up the good work. I'm trying to get my own Substack set up on which I will post similar articles, but I am having technical problems.

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