Thank you for writing this article. It is very human in that you shared your feelings, and you also gave us an easy-to-understand case history of Nina. You made it all comprehensible.

My place in my life is different from your. I am 72. I suspect I will die at 80 or later. Once I'm gone, it won't be my problem any more. I also have a broad view that perhaps isn't as easy for you to have since you are younger. Humanity learns and progresses by making mistakes. The lobotomy craze in the last century was just such a learning moment. In the century before science became truly scientific, they would use any new substance that was discovered as a medicine to see what affect it would have. For example, Abraham Lincoln was given mercury as medicine, and many people in the early to mid-20th century were given radioactive substances as medicines. Mistakes, mistake, mistakes is how humanity progresses.

This trans craze is also a learning moment. Eventually there will be a consensus that transitioning is for adults only, and that children must be allowed to develop naturally. Personally, I don't know why EVERYONE doesn't already see that children are not mature enough to make such decisions for themselves, or that it is wrong for a child to make such decisions for the adult yet to come. But the day will come when everyone sees it that way. Unfortunately, in the mean time, a lot of people will be hurt.

Now, I know that religion is a sensitive subject, but I also believe in reincarnation and that the lessons of earlier times are literally carried forward by the people who learned lessons in their past lives. But that's just my view. I just decided to throw it out there in case it makes sense to you.

Thanks for the good writing.

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